Paulette Goddard
Šoddâm kesimáánu 3. peeivi 1910
New York, New York, Ovtâstum staatah
Jáámmám cuáŋuimáánu 23. peeivi 1990 (79-ihásâžžân)
Aktiivlâžžân 1929–1972
Merhâšittee roolah Modern Times
The Great Dictator
So Proudly We Hail!
Pelikyeimi Edgar James
Charlie Chaplin
Burgess Meredith
Erich Maria Remarque
IMDb-sijđo IMDb

Paulette Goddard (š. Marion Pauline Levy; 3. kesimáánu 1910 New York23. cuáŋuimáánu 1990 Ronco sopra Ascona, Ticino, Sveicci) lâi ovtâstumstaatâlâš čaittâleijee. Suu tobdeh eromâšávt nissoonuáiviroolâ čaittâleijen Charlie Chaplin elleekuuvijn Modern Times (1936) já The Great Dictator (1940). Sun lâi meid Chaplin kuálmád kálgu.[1]

Eellim já karrieer


Goddard šoodâi ive 1910 New Yorkist noomáin Marion Pauline Levy, mutâ suu enni Alta Mae Goddard kočodij suu Paulinen jo aaibâs uccen. Suu eeči lâi juuvdálâš Joseph Russell Levy. Vanhimeh iäránáin ko Goddard lâi ucce, já tast maŋa suu eeči ij eidu lam uási suu eellim.[2]

Goddard poorgâi mallin nubálovihásâžžân, já 16-ihásâžžân sun lâi kuoronieidân Broadway čaitâlmist No Foolin’. Muáddi ive maŋeláá sun varrij Hollywoodân aaigân šoddâđ elleekovetäsnin. Tobbeen sun čaittâlij motomijn ucebijn projektijn, ko Charlie Chaplin huámášij suu. Forgâ, ovdilgo Goddard lâi ubâ lamaš merhâšittee roolâst oovtâgin elleekooveest, ulmuuh tubdii suu jo Chaplin peht. Chaplin máttááttij Goddardân čaittâlem, já kyehti ive maŋeláá sun čaittâlij Chaplin majemuu jávutteselleekooveest Modern Times. Elleekove peht eres pyevtitteijeeh huámášii suu, já ovdâmerkkân David O. Selznick smietâi suu Scarlett O’Hara roolân elleekován Gone with the Wind. Sun ij kuittâg uážžum roolâ, ko sun ij puáhtám tuođâštiđ, et lii näimilittoost Chaplináin.[3]

Goddard uážui kuittâg roolâid eres elleekuuvijn, já čaittâlij-uv kuulmâ Bob Hope elleekooveest: The Cat and the Canary (1939), The Ghost Breakers (1940) já Nothing but the Truth (1941). Sun čaittâlij meid maaŋgâin Cecil B. DeMille elleekuuvijn. Ubâ karrieeris ääigi sun čaittâlij ohtsis 47 elleekooveest.[1]


Ihe Nommâ Roolâ Eres tiäđuh
1929 Berth Marks Mađhâšeijee junást uánihisfilmâ, ij kreditistum
1929 The Locked Door Nieidâ rommikárbást ij kreditistum
1930 Whoopee! Goldwyn nieidâ ij kreditistum
1931 City Streets Tánssájeijee-extra ij kreditistum
1931 The Girl Habit Vyebdee
1931 Palmy Days Goldwyn nieidâ ij kreditistum
1931 Ladies of the Big House Faŋgâ juávhu siste ij kreditistum
1932 The Mouthpiece Blondi juuhlijn ij kreditistum
1932 Show Business Blondi mađhâšeijee junást uánihisfilmâ, ij kreditistum
1932 Young Ironsides Jieš, Miss Hollywood uánihisfilmâ, ij kreditistum
1932 Pack Up Your Troubles Myersseepijgá ij kreditistum
1932 Girl Grief Uáppee uánihisfilmâ, ij kreditistum
1932 The Kid from Spain Goldwyn nieidâ ij kreditistum
1933 Hollywood on Parade No. B-1 Jieš uánihisfilmâ
1933 The Bowery Blondi kii muštâl Brodie njuškiimist ij kreditistum
1933 Hollywood on Parade No. B-5 Jieš uánihisfilmâ
1933 Roman Scandals Goldwyn nieidâ ij kreditistum
1934 Kid Millions Goldwyn nieidâ ij kreditistum
1936 Modern Times Ellen Peterson
1936 The Bohemian Girl Romanikolgolâš ij kreditistum
1938 The Young in Heart Leslie Saunders
1938 Dramatic School Nana
1939 The Women Miriam Aarons
1939 The Cat and the Canary Joyce Norman
1940 The Ghost Breakers Mary Carter
1940 The Great Dictator Hannah
1940 Screen Snapshots: Sports in Hollywood Jieš uánihisfilmâ
1940 North West Mounted Police Louvette Corbeau muulsâiävtuliih noomah: Northwest Mounted Police
The Scarlet Riders
1940 Second Chorus Ellen Miller
1941 Pot o' Gold Molly McCorkle muulsâiävtuliih noomah: The Golden Hour
Jimmy Steps Out
1941 Hold Back the Dawn Anita Dixon
1941 Nothing But the Truth Gwen Saunders
1942 The Lady Has Plans Sidney Royce
1942 Reap the Wild Wind Loxi Claiborne muulsâiävtulâš nommâ: Cecil B. DeMille's Reap the Wild Wind
1942 The Forest Rangers Celia Huston Stuart
1942 Star Spangled Rhythm Jieš
1943 The Crystal Ball Toni Gerard
1943 So Proudly We Hail! Lt. Joan O'Doul Oscar-iävtukkâsvuotâ
1944 Standing Room Only Jane Rogers / Suzanne
1944 I Love a Soldier Evelyn Connors
1945 Duffy's Tavern Jieš
1945 Kitty Kitty
1946 The Diary of a Chambermaid Célestine pyevtitteijee, ij kreditistum
1947 Suddenly, It's Spring Mary Morely
1947 Variety Girl Jieš
1947 Unconquered Abigail "Abby" Martha Hale
1947 An Ideal Husband Mrs. Laura Cheveley muulsâiävtulâš nommâ: Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband
1948 On Our Merry Way Martha Pease
1948 Screen Snapshots: Smiles and Styles Jieš uánihisfilmâ
1948 Hazard Ellen Crane
1949 Bride of Vengeance Lucretia Borgia
1949 Anna Lucasta Anna Lucasta
1949 A Yank Comes Back Jieš uánihisfilmâ, ij kreditistum
1950 The Torch María Dolores Penafiel pyevtitteijee
muulsâiävtulâš nommâ: Bandit General
1952 Babes in Bagdad Kyra
1953 Vice Squad Mona Ross muulsâiävtulâš nommâ: The Girl in Room 17
1953 Sins of Jezebel Jezebel
1953 Paris Model Betty Barnes muulsâiävtulâš nommâ: Nude at Midnight
1954 Charge of the Lancers Tanya
1954 A Stranger Came Home Angie muulsâiävtulâš nommâ: The Unholy Four
1964 Time of Indifference Mariagrazia muulsâiävtuliih noomah: Les Deux Rivales
Gli Indifferenti
Ihe Nommâ Roolâ Eres tiäđuh
1951 Four Star Revue Kyessičaittâleijee uási: #1.41
1952 The Ed Sullivan Show Jieš 2 uásist
1953 Ford Theatre Nancy Whiting uási: "The Doctor's Downfall"
1954 Sherlock Holmes Lady Beryl uási: "The Case of Lady Beryl"
1955 Producers' Showcase Sylvia Fowler uási: "The Women"
1957 The Errol Flynn Theatre Rachel uási: "Mademoiselle Fifi"
1957 The Joseph Cotten Show: On Trial Dolly uási: "The Ghost of Devil's Island"
1957 Ford Theatre Holly March uási: "Singapore"
1959 Adventures in Paradise Mme. Victorine Reynard uási: "The Lady from South Chicago"
1959 What's My Line? Kyessipanelist skammamáánu 29. peeivi 1959 uási
1961 The Phantom Mrs. Harris vyebdimettum piiloot
1972 The Snoop Sisters Norma Treet televisioelleekove
muulsâiävtulâš nommâ: Female Instinct (majemuš čaittâlemroolâ)

Fáádást eres soojijn




  1. a â The Gamine: Paulette Goddard Čujottum 24.4.2022. (eŋgâlâskielân)
  2. Paulette Goddard Hollywood Walk of Fame. 25.10.2019. Čujottum 24.4.2022. (eŋgâlâskielân)
  3. Paulette Goddard Čujottum 24.4.2022. (eŋgâlâskielân)