Publishers Weekly -loostâ listo 2000-lovvoost enâmustáá vuobdum romanijn Ovtâstum staatâin

Taat lii Publishers Weekly -loostâ listo 2000-lovvoost enâmustáá vuobdum romanijn Ovtâstum staatâin. Listo siskeeld puoh pivnohumos romanijd jyehi ive ivveest 2000 ihán 2009. The Bookman -loostâ almostitij listoid enâmustáá vuobdum romanijn Ovtâstum staatâin ivveest 1895 ihán 1912. Tastmaŋa listoid lii almostittâm Publishers Weekly -lostâ.[1]


  1. The Brethren, čällee: John Grisham
  2. The Mark: The Beast Rules the World, čälleeh: Jerry B. JenkinsTim LaHaye
  3. The Bear and the Dragon, čällee: Tom Clancy
  4. The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession, čälleeh: Jerry B. JenkinsTim LaHaye
  5. The Last Precinct, čällee: Patricia Cornwell
  6. Journey, čällee: Danielle Steel
  7. The Rescue, čällee: Nicholas Sparks
  8. Roses Are Red, čällee: James Patterson
  9. Cradle and All, čällee: James Patterson
  10. The House on Hope Street, čällee: Danielle Steel


  1. Desecration, čälleeh: Jerry B. JenkinsTim LaHaye
  2. Skipping Christmas, čällee: John Grisham
  3. A Painted House, čällee: John Grisham
  4. Dreamcatcher, čällee: Stephen King
  5. The Corrections, čällee: Jonathan Franzen
  6. Black House, čälleeh: Stephen KingPeter Straub
  7. The Kiss, čällee: Danielle Steel
  8. Valhalla Rising, čällee: Clive Cussler
  9. A Day Late and a Dollar Short, čällee: Terry McMillan
  10. Violets Are Blue, čällee: James Patterson


  1. The Summons, čällee: John Grisham
  2. Red Rabbit, čällee: Tom Clancy
  3. The Remnant, čälleeh: Jerry B. JenkinsTim LaHaye
  4. The Lovely Bones, čällee: Alice Sebold
  5. Prey, čällee: Michael Crichton
  6. Skipping Christmas, čällee: John Grisham
  7. The Shelters of Stone, čällee: Jean M. Auel
  8. Four Blind Mice, čällee: James Patterson
  9. Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales, čällee: Stephen King
  10. The Nanny Diaries, čälleeh: Emma McLaughlinNicola Kraus


  1. The Da Vinci Code, čällee: Dan Brown
  2. The Five People You Meet in Heaven, čällee: Mitch Albom
  3. The King of Torts, čällee: John Grisham
  4. Bleachers, čällee: John Grisham
  5. Armageddon, čälleeh: Tim LaHayeJerry B. Jenkins
  6. The Teeth of the Tiger, čällee: Tom Clancy
  7. The Big Bad Wolf, čällee: James Patterson
  8. Blow Fly, čällee: Patricia Cornwell
  9. The Lovely Bones, čällee: Alice Sebold
  10. The Wedding, čällee: Nicholas Sparks


  1. The Da Vinci Code, čällee: Dan Brown
  2. The Five People You Meet in Heaven, čällee: Mitch Albom
  3. The Last Juror, čällee: John Grisham
  4. Glorious Appearing, čälleeh: Jerry B. JenkinsTim LaHaye
  5. Angels & Demons, čällee: Dan Brown
  6. State of Fear, čällee: Michael Crichton
  7. London Bridges, čällee: James Patterson
  8. Trace, čällee: Patricia Cornwell
  9. The Rule of Four, čälleeh: Ian CaldwellDustin Thomason
  10. The Da Vinci Code: Special Illustrated Collector's Edition, čällee: Dan Brown


  1. The Broker, čällee: John Grisham
  2. The Da Vinci Code, čällee: Dan Brown
  3. Mary, Mary, čällee: James Patterson
  4. At First Sight, čällee: Nicholas Sparks
  5. Predator, čällee: Patricia Cornwell
  6. True Believer, čällee: Nicholas Sparks
  7. Light from Heaven, čällee: Jan Karon
  8. The Historian, čällee: Elizabeth Kostova
  9. The Mermaid Chair, čällee: Sue Monk Kidd
  10. Eleven on Top, čällee: Janet Evanovich


  1. For One More Day, čällee: Mitch Albom
  2. Cross, čällee: James Patterson
  3. Dear John, čällee: Nicholas Sparks
  4. Next, čällee: Michael Crichton
  5. Hannibal Rising, čällee: Thomas Harris
  6. Lisey's Story, čällee: Stephen King
  7. Twelve Sharp, čällee: Janet Evanovich
  8. Cell, čällee: Stephen King
  9. Beach Road, čälleeh: James PattersonPeter de Jonge
  10. The 5th Horseman, čälleeh: James PattersonMaxine Paetro


  1. A Thousand Splendid Suns, čällee: Khaled Hosseini
  2. Playing For Pizza, čällee: John Grisham
  3. Double Cross, čällee: James Patterson
  4. The Choice, čällee: Nicholas Sparks
  5. Lean Mean Thirteen, čällee: Janet Evanovich
  6. Plum Lovin', čällee: Janet Evanovich
  7. Book of the Dead, čällee: Patricia Cornwell
  8. The Quickie, čälleeh: James PattersonMichael Ledwidge
  9. The 6th Target, čälleeh: James PattersonMaxine Paetro
  10. The Darkest Evening of the Year, čällee: Dean Koontz


  1. The Appeal, čällee: John Grisham
  2. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, čällee: David Wroblewski
  3. The Host, čällee: Stephenie Meyer
  4. Cross Country, čällee: James Patterson
  5. The Lucky One, čällee: Nicholas Sparks
  6. Fearless Fourteen, čällee: Janet Evanovich
  7. Christmas Sweater, čällee: Glenn Beck
  8. Scarpetta, čällee: Patricia Cornwell
  9. Your Heart Belongs to Me, čällee: Dean Koontz
  10. Plum Lucky, čällee: Janet Evanovich


  1. The Lost Symbol, čällee: Dan Brown
  2. The Associate, čällee: John Grisham
  3. The Help, čällee: Kathryn Stockett
  4. I, Alex Cross, čällee: James Patterson
  5. The Last Song, čällee: Nicholas Sparks
  6. Ford County, čällee: John Grisham
  7. Finger Lickin' Fifteen, čällee: Janet Evanovich
  8. The Host, čällee: Stephenie Meyer
  9. Under the Dome, čällee: Stephen King
  10. Pirate Latitudes, čällee: Michael Crichton



  1. Hackett, Alice Payne & Burke, James Henry: 80 Years of Bestsellers: 1895–1975, s. 3, 74–88. New York: R.R. Bowker Company, 1977. ISBN ISBN 0-8352-0908-3.
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Algâalgâlâš artikkâl: en:Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 2000s