jyehiđ – kopijistiđ, levâttiđ já oovdânpyehtiđ pargo
remiksađ – vaalmâšt muttum pargoid
Čuovvovaš iävtuin:
nommâdem – Tun koolgah adeliđ hiäivulávt nommâalmottâs, liiŋkâ lisensân já almottiđ, láá-uv teekstân tohhum nubástusah. Tun uážuh porgâđ taam puoh tohálâš vuovijgijn, mut ij toin naalijn, et oro et lisensadeleijee lii tuárjumin tuu pargo teikâ suu pargo kevttim.
This image was made out of, or made from, content published in a BodyParts3D/Anatomography web site. The content of their website is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.1 Japan license. The author and licenser of the contents is
You can download 3D-polygon data of whole human body. And you can also manipulate and edit the polygon data using 3D softwares, for example, Meshlab or Blender.